Humanist Wedding Celebrant
What is a Humanist Wedding Celebrant?
Have you heard of a humanist wedding celebrant? You are probably wondering what that means and what a humanist wedding ceremony might entail. By definition, it is kind of hard to describe what a humanist wedding celebrant is because each one is unique and can give as much, or as little help, depending on what the bride and groom want and what is fitting to the occasion. To truly understand what a humanist wedding celebrant does, we should probably start with what a humanist ceremony is.
It’s hard trying to describe a typical humanist ceremony as, by definition, each one is completely unique. There are no rules, and celebrants can give as much or as little help as is needed to create a truly fitting occasion.
Basically, a humanist wedding ceremony is a non-religious wedding ceremony and it gives you the freedom to have your ceremony how you want, where you want and when you want. You can have your wedding ceremony outdoors or in any other place that is not licensed for civil weddings. Like we stated earlier, a humanist wedding ceremony is not religious. Although passages from the Bible or other spiritual book may be included, the ceremony primarily focuses on the couple and their relationship, their personalities, their love and what matters most to them and in this life we have. It is very personal and personalized. The wedding ceremony can be tailored to exactly what you want. There are no set scripts to follow and no rituals, unless you want one. To simply put it, you can create a wedding ceremony that is everything that you want and more with help from a humanist wedding celebrant. If you want flower grandmas instead of flower girls or if you want to sing a song to your bride or groom to be during your ceremony, you can do it. It’s your ceremony, so you decide what’s right and a humanist wedding celebrant can perform your wedding to your specifications.
Does this sound good to you? If so, and you are looking for a soulful celebrant and legal only celebrant, who is ready to make your special day even more special, contact Shelly Bennett Celebrant. Shelly Bennett is a soulful celebrant who combines warmth, professionalism and an eye for detail to ensure that your ceremony is more than just special, but an experience to last a lifetime. No matter what your dream wedding entails, you can be sure that she can transform that dream into reality with ceremonies that capture the essence of what’s important to you and your partner. As a legal only celebrant, she can help you through the initial planning to the legal details and the ceremony itself, she can help through all stages of the ceremony process.
Contact her today if you have any questions or go to her website at